EJ Moyle Solicitors is a friendly, modern law firm that offers a broad range of legal services for both business and private clients within the Littlehampton, Rustington and West Sussex areas.
The services that we offer are:
The importance of having a Will cannot be overstated. Without having a Will, your estate may pass to unknown family members, disliked family members or to the Crown’s Treasury. Our Private Client team will assist you in protecting your estate for those you love, the beneficiaries you choose and provide advice on the tax position to minimise the tax in your estate.
During the emotional time following a death, our Private Client team can provide you with sympathetic advice. If you are the person required to deal with an estate, you will need to collect in the assets, pay any debts and distribute the estate. We can confirm whether a Grant of Probate will be needed to deal with an estate, the tax position and any available tax relief. Our team can assist you where a person has died either with a Will or without a Will. If you have begun dealing with an estate yourself but found the process overwhelming, time-consuming or confusing then our team can assist you in finalising the estate administration. We can be involved as much, or as little, as you require.
By preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney, you can protect yourself and those you love from financial difficulty or decisions surrounding care. In the future, if you have a Power of Attorney but are unable to make decisions yourself, you have named trusted friends or family to help you by making those decisions on your behalf. If you do not want to name friends or family, you can name a solicitor. There are two types of Lasting Powers - one for Property & Financial and one for Health & Welfare. Our Private Client Team can assist you in preparing and registering the Powers at the Office of the Public Guardian.
What can you do to help someone who can no longer make decisions for themselves? An application can be made to Court to be named as a ‘Deputy’, to assist them with their finances or their welfare. This appointment protects a person who is unable to look after themselves by allowing the Deputy or Deputies to make decisions on their behalf. Our Private Client team can provide you with advice on the process of applying for a Deputy Order and make the application on your behalf.
If you, a friend or family member no longer feel able to manage their own finances, our Private Client team can act on your behalf. We provide a service tailored to the individual which will include regular updates in relation to income, assets and liabilities and where appropriate we can assist in making applications for benefits.
If you are looking for advice on Wills and Probate, call our Wills and Probate Department in Rustington on 01903 784447 for an initial consultation.
The purchase of your home will usually be the most expensive transaction you will become involved with and can sometimes appear confusing and complex. The conveyancing department at EJ Moyle LLP are here to guide you through the whole conveyancing procedure giving you the professional reassurance that you need.
As soon as you have decided to buy or sell a property, we recommend that you contact us so that initial formalities can be dealt with at an early stage enabling the transaction to proceed without delay.
EJ Moyle LLP also provides a commercial conveyancing service dealing with such matters as the granting of commercial leases. This area of the law can be complex and there is less protection afforded to commercial tenants than those taking up a lease of a residential property. Advice can also be given regarding lease renewals, rent reviews, dilapidations and other apparent breaches of the tenant’s obligations under the lease.
If you are looking for advice on Property, call our Commercial and Residential Property Department in Littlehampton on 01903 725143 for an initial consultation.
It is an unfortunate fact of life that not all marriages are successful and when a relationship breaks down it is not unusual for one or both parties to seek to dissolve the marriage or to obtain a formal decree of judicial separation. If there are children of the family under 18 the Court must be satisfied that proper arrangements are being made for their welfare.
Our expert team is highly experienced in traditional ways of resolving family disputes, and what sets us apart is our ability to offer real alternatives.
We are committed to a solution-focused approach, using ways of resolving matters such as mediation, arbitration and a collaborative model to minimise both the emotional and financial cost to your family.
A fair division of the family assets, including the matrimonial home, has to be worked out. In the majority of cases this is achieved by negotiation between solicitors and agreement between the parties. We emphasise negotiation, mediation and agreement rather than conflict and confrontation in the application of the principles of matrimonial law to the special circumstances of each individual case.
We can also advise you on family protection, domestic violence, injunctions, wardships, adoption, child and care protection proceedings.
Call our Family Law Department in Rustington on 01903 784447 for an initial consultation.
Our banking details will NOT change during the course of a transaction. EJ Moyle LLP Solicitors will NOT take responsibility for any loss or consequences if you transfer money to a wrong or false banking account.
If you receive an email from EJ Moyle LLP requesting your bank details or providing alternative banking details for the transfer of money to EJ Moyle LLP, please contact your Solicitor immediately to clarify. If in any doubt at all about transferring money, consult your Solicitor.
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From 27th January 2025, open reporting provisions...
What would happen if you no longer...
Here at E J Moyle LLP Solicitors...
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We would...
It is an emotional and frequently overwhelming...
Melissa has now been at E J...